Thank you to all of the wonderful ladies and lady boys who joined Team IRVA in Dublin for the VHI mini-marathon. Together, we helped raise awareness while also remembering our loved ones killed on our roads. RIP

As part of the #SaveKidsLives campaign for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011 - 2020 TEAM IRVA participants from all across Ireland took part in the Runamuck 5km challenge in memory of lives lost and injured on our roads. Together we wore Tshirts with photos of our lost loved ones to highlight the human impact of road traffic collisions. The event was a great success and HUGE thank you to everyone who took part or gave us their support.

We had our Growth Towards Road Safety event in The Downs GAA Club Mullingar. Dean Clarke who had spent the previous 12 months growing his beard in an attempt to raise much needed funds for IRVA had his beard shaved off by local Mullingar barber Niall O'Doherty. The event was a huge success and we would like to thank Dean and all who supported him.